
2019-03-24 12:24发布

各位大神谁有关于定时器捕获模块的程序,能不能给贴一个,什么型号的430都行的啊!谢谢! 此帖出自小平头技术问答
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
2019-03-25 09:40
  1. //***********************************************************************
    // MSP-FET430P140 Demo - Timer_A0, Capture of ACLK/8 using SMCLK
    // Description: Input capture of ACLK/8 on P1.1(TA0)
    // Run to breakpoint at the _NOP() instruction to see 16 capture
    // values and the differences.
    // ACLK = 32768Hz, MCLK = SMCLK = default ~800kHz
    // //* An external watch crystal on XIN XOUT is required for ACLK *//
    // MSP430F149
    // -----------------
    // /|| XIN|-
    // | | | 32kHz
    // --|RST XOUT|-
    // | |
    // | P2.0/ACLK|---+
    // | | |
    // | P1.1/TA0|<--+
    // | |
    // | P1.0|--->LED

    // H. Grewal
    // Texas Instruments Inc.
    // Feb 2005
    // Built with CCE Version: 3.2.0 and IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.21A

    #include <msp430x14x.h>

    unsigned int new_cap=0;
    unsigned int old_cap=0;
    unsigned int cap_diff=0;

    unsigned int diff_array[16]; // RAM array for differences
    unsigned int capture_array[16]; // RAM array for captures
    unsigned char index=0;
    unsigned char count = 0;

    void main(void)
    volatile unsigned int i;
    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer
    for (i=0; i<20000; i++) // Delay for crystal stabilization
    P1DIR = 0x01; // Set P1.0 out,1.1 input dir
    P1OUT &= ~0x01; // LED off
    P1SEL = 0x02; // Set P1.1 to TA0
    P2DIR = 0x01; // P2.0-ACLK
    P2SEL |= 0x01;
    BCSCTL1 |= DIVA_3; // ACLK/8

    CCTL0 = CM_1 + SCS + CCIS_0 + CAP + CCIE; // Rising edge + CCI0A (P1.1)
    // + Capture Mode + Interrupt

    TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2; // SMCLK + Continuous Mode

    _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // LPM0 + Enable global ints

    #pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR
    __interrupt void TimerA0(void)
    new_cap = TACCR0;
    cap_diff = new_cap - old_cap;

    diff_array[index] = cap_diff; // record difference to RAM array
    capture_array[index++] = new_cap;
    if (index == 16)
    index = 0;
    P1OUT ^= 0x01; // Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR
    old_cap = new_cap; // store this capture value
    count ++;
    if (count == 32)
    count = 0;


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