MPLAB IDE V8.30出来了

2020-02-10 08:41发布

MPLAB IDE V8.30出来了,大家可到Microchip的网站去下载。
友情提示: 此问题已得到解决,问题已经关闭,关闭后问题禁止继续编辑,回答。
2020-02-10 12:53
运行于Lite模式,无代码长度限制,关闭了Omniscient Code Generation (OCG) 功能。

Lite mode has NO memory restrictions and supports ALL PIC10/12/16 MCUs. HI-TECH has provided this freeware as a low-cost tool for hobbyists and students, however the licence allows its use for commercial purposes as well. It is ideal as a teaching tool for an introduction into the 'C' language and embedded programming on PIC10/12/16 MCUs.

You may copy and redistribute this software, providing it remains in the same archive file. You may use this software for any purpose. No warranty of any kind is provided, and all use is entirely at your own risk.

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