ST官方工具 stmstudio 读取运行中的程序变量

2020-01-07 19:20发布

STMicroelectronics STM Studio helps debug and diagnose STM8 and STM32 applications while they are running by reading and displaying their variables in real-time.
Running on a PC, STM Studio interfaces with STM8 and STM32 MCUs via standard development tools, such as the low cost ST-LINK and RLink along with the high-end STM8 STice emulation system.
STM Studio is a non-intrusive tool, preserving the real-time behavior of applications.
STM Studio perfectly complements traditional debugging tools to fine tune applications. It is well suited for debugging applications which cannot be stopped, such as motor control applications.
Different graphic views are available to match the needs of debugging and diagnosis or to demonstrate application behavior.
  • Runs on PCs with Microsoft®Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 OS
  • Connects to any STM8 via ST-LINK, RLink or STICE (SWIM protocol)
  • Connects to any STM32 via ST-LINK (JTAG or SWD protocols)
  • Reads on-the-fly (non intrusive) variables from RAM while application is running
  • Parses DWARF debugging information in the ELF application executable file
  • 2 types of viewer:
    • Variable viewer - Real-time waveforms, oscilloscope-like graphs
    • TouchPoint viewer - Association of 2 variables, one on the X axis, one on the Y axis
  • Possibility to log data into a file, and replay later (exhaustive record display, not real-time)

调试工具只支持ST-Link, RLink,STIce, ST-TSLink (8.84 MB, 下载次数: 136) 2013-2-15 10:11 上传 点击文件名下载附件

CD00291015.pdf (1.37 MB, 下载次数: 54) 2013-2-15 10:12 上传 点击文件名下载附件

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